Diesel Bob (UK) Limited


Yet again higher powers than the rest of us mere mortals have interfered and instructed that diesel fuel should be 'cleaned up', where will this nonsense end??

The composition of diesel fuel has recently been 'overhauled', a higher concentration of bio derived diesel is now 'law'.

So what does this mean for the diesel engine?

The potential for running issues is slight for modern diesels, anything from 2001 onwards, where there may be a minor reduction in mpg. Problems with DPF systems (Diesel Particulate Filters) may become more common as higher concentrations of 'bio' in the fuel can produce a slightly less clean 'burn' of the fuel particularly when the engine is cold.

Vehicles produced between 1995 - 2000 should see no difference, the below information can be applied for any diesel vehicle pre-1995.

The diesel fuel clean up is also being applied to red (agricultural) diesel.

Bigger problems are likely to be encountered here for older machines.

The fuel systems of older / antique machines where designed with an injection system that relied on the lubricating properties of diesel fuel to prevent excessive wear and seizures.

Moving parts within modern fuel systems are often coated with special materials or made of specially developed metals to cope with fuel that is less lubricating.

Tractors / machines using 'in-line' injection pumps should be perfectly fine running on modern diesel, issues are more likely to occur where rotary injection pumps are used.

Click here to see the injection pump gallery, this will assist with identifying your injection pump type.

There is also a potential with modern diesel that injection fuel leaks could occur.

The rubber used to manufacture the seals and 'o'-rings can be attacked due to certain elements within the fuel.

We reseal injection pumps with the latest seals that are resistant to these elements, Contact Us for more details.

Injector wear is also likely to be 'speeded up' with modern fuel, again, when the injectors where designed they developed the nozzles to use fuel with high concentrations of sulphur (this gave lubricating properties and a 'separating' of moving parts), so accelerated nozzle wear is very likely.

One method we have applied ourselves to our own older machines / vehicles which we began to do many years ago, is to add 2 stroke oil to the fuel.

Our preferred 2 stroke mix is a special brew of 100ml of 2 stroke oil with 150ml of C60 Micro Lube*, this is then thoroughly mixed & then added to the fuel tank, adding the special brew BEFORE filling with diesel will ensure a good dispersal of this special brew throughout thefuel tank. We use the 250ml special brew to every 65-70 litres of diesel fuel.

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*C60 Micro Lube is available from Team ZX1 Ltd, visit the website: team-zx1.com or email them: info@team-zx1.com